segunda-feira, 28 de fevereiro de 2011
domingo, 27 de fevereiro de 2011
Rui Pedro
Por ser um caso demasiado sério, tentarei não faltar ao respeito à família da criança desaparecida.
Dizem os jornalistas, PJ, Ministéro Público e afins que 13 anos é muito tempo, mas que teve de ser assim. Parece que todos estão de acordo que mais vale tarde do que nunca. Sinto-me competamente enojado por saber que para muitos 13 anos é um bom timing.
O simples facto de não se fazer tudo para encontrar uma criança desaparecida nas 24 horas subsequentes ao seu desaparecimento, é uma vergonha para a as nossas instituições competentes, e acima de tudo um exemplo do que não é a democracia funcional!
Eu, como cidadão de Portugal, exijo que o MP e os tribunais funcionem de acordo com a dignidade das pessoas. Este é o paradigma da falta de respeito para com a Família e mostra o valor NULO que as crianças têm em Portugal.
Estes são acontecimentos 3º mundistas.
jõao mendes
Dizem os jornalistas, PJ, Ministéro Público e afins que 13 anos é muito tempo, mas que teve de ser assim. Parece que todos estão de acordo que mais vale tarde do que nunca. Sinto-me competamente enojado por saber que para muitos 13 anos é um bom timing.
O simples facto de não se fazer tudo para encontrar uma criança desaparecida nas 24 horas subsequentes ao seu desaparecimento, é uma vergonha para a as nossas instituições competentes, e acima de tudo um exemplo do que não é a democracia funcional!
Eu, como cidadão de Portugal, exijo que o MP e os tribunais funcionem de acordo com a dignidade das pessoas. Este é o paradigma da falta de respeito para com a Família e mostra o valor NULO que as crianças têm em Portugal.
Estes são acontecimentos 3º mundistas.
jõao mendes
desaparecimento crianças,
rui pedro
terça-feira, 8 de fevereiro de 2011
The complexity of a country that wants to release itself from war but expresses exactly the contrary to the world.
The complexity of a country that wants to release itself from war but expresses exactly the contrary to the world.
No need to go through who got there first. That’s stupid and inconsequent. There’s no interest in knowing who is entitled to act in a certain way or if the international laws are being fallowed.
There are more important issues.
Enough of endless discussions that bring the most terrifying feeling to the Israeli people.
The question is, are we all stupid? What’s going on? Is it possible that after years of grief, decades of pain and suffering, centuries of tragedy and millenniums of deaths, we really didn’t learn anything?
I want to state very laud and clear that this is not a anti-Israel text. It’s a pro-life in Israel statement. It’s a scream for the own Israelis to live a comfortable life without having to deal with the war that killed to many of our boys. Even one death is to much – this is how people think in Israel.
Politicians must stop playing with our lives. They have the true obligation to change the course of things and they must reach peace before it’s to late, and it’s already to late.
We must fight for our rights, we must have all the needed cautions and demand all we are entitled to as a Democratic and Free Country. But we must also respect our own needs and the needs of others.
We must not show our teeth to hunger, we must help and show compassion. We know how to do it. This is the only why to combat terrorism and live in Peace!
I urge the Israeli government to reach a Peace agreement with all the Arab world. For your own people!
David Mordechai
No need to go through who got there first. That’s stupid and inconsequent. There’s no interest in knowing who is entitled to act in a certain way or if the international laws are being fallowed.
There are more important issues.
Enough of endless discussions that bring the most terrifying feeling to the Israeli people.
The question is, are we all stupid? What’s going on? Is it possible that after years of grief, decades of pain and suffering, centuries of tragedy and millenniums of deaths, we really didn’t learn anything?
I want to state very laud and clear that this is not a anti-Israel text. It’s a pro-life in Israel statement. It’s a scream for the own Israelis to live a comfortable life without having to deal with the war that killed to many of our boys. Even one death is to much – this is how people think in Israel.
Politicians must stop playing with our lives. They have the true obligation to change the course of things and they must reach peace before it’s to late, and it’s already to late.
We must fight for our rights, we must have all the needed cautions and demand all we are entitled to as a Democratic and Free Country. But we must also respect our own needs and the needs of others.
We must not show our teeth to hunger, we must help and show compassion. We know how to do it. This is the only why to combat terrorism and live in Peace!
I urge the Israeli government to reach a Peace agreement with all the Arab world. For your own people!
David Mordechai
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